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About EmmaB

  • Birthday 11/14/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Missouri, USA

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    none yet
  • Interested in learning about
    general leather project construction

EmmaB's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/4)

  1. I don't think I've made a post here yet, even tho I've been semi lurking around the forums for a few months now. So I'll introduce myself. My name is Emilie and I'm from Northern Missouri. I'm still only a beginner but I am going to do my best to gain as much experience as possible. My interests lie in just about anything except for tooling and carving. I may get into it one day but for now I haven't shown much interest. Not quite sure what else to say, so I'll end it here. Emilie/EmmaB
  2. Actually, since I lined it I was thinking of doing an inlay or something of the sort. Like black leather with red heart or lips. I'm sure there is tons of fun stuff that can be done with this. If I had an embossing wheel I think it'd look very fancy having the edges done.
  3. This looked interesting so I tried making one myself.
  4. Been reading a slightly old post about corner bookmarks and I think I have an idea to do it. I'll post pictures probably tomarrow if it works out okay.

  5. I'm really enjoying reading about making footwear in general but i'm having a little bit of trouble. I tend to get caught up in the terminalogy. Can't seem to find a source that tells what piece is what and was wondering if anyone else had found anything worthwhile that described or even has a picture to point out the parts.
  6. Okay now i'm feeling even more stupid. Despite asking my husband to spell check for me I still managed to spell weird wrong. Sorry
  7. Yeah, brand new just like a lot of other people. Been offhandedly looking at leatherworking for 6+ months and have been devouring LW.net and any other online information I can get ahold of for the last two. Just dissected The Leatherworking Handbook over the last four days. I think it's safe to say i've already been bitten by the bug. The only thing that is bothering me though is that after going through all of that I can't seem to muster any interest at all in lacing. I finally convinced myself tooling could be cool and with some practice I don't think I'd be terrible at it, but as for buckstitching and such I just don't like the look of it. Is this terribly odd? I almost feel bad for not liking it at all. Emilie
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