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Everything posted by scorn86

  1. Thank you all for the compliments. As for the chain part, I used a 6 in 1 euro weave with a slide clasp to make the thumb removable. The thumb also has a "ring" made from sheet steel with a chicago screw holding it in place. I would like to line the inside of the glove with a soft leather, but i'm kind of at a loss on what to use. If anyone is interested in the chain mail parts I can post pics of my chain mail projects. Sorry for the horrible pictures the memory card for my camera went bad and i'm using my work phone. Thanks again guys!
  2. This is my first leather project and I like it. So far I have very minimal tools so the edges are rough. I hope to get more tools soon and make something worthy of posting on here lol. I'd like to thank all of you guys for the works of art you all post, they inspire me to try new things.
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