Hey all, new here to the forums and to leatherworking as well. Leatherworking is something I have always wanted to try out but never got my feet wet. I've watched a ton of youtube videos and seen people work on projects in person enough to get an idea of how certain things work. Ultimately I want to be able to make medieval/renaissance armor but that's quite a ways down the road.
I saw the "Ultimate" kit from the Tandy store and thought that would be a good starting point. Yeah it has a lot of western flowery patterns and designs which I'm not really into but I figured it would at least get me going with how the tools work and get down the process of prepping the leather for tooling, cutting, dyeing etc. From there I can work on making similar projects (wallets, belts, bags, etc) but with my own tooled designs. Finally I figured I can give basic armor pieces a shot like bracers, spaulders, arm bands, as well as a slew of other less intricate items.
One of my main concerns is that I live in an apartment and I feel that the constant hammering from the tooling would drive my neighbor insane. I don't have a large table to work on and it would resonate the sound even more if I did anyway. I thought about getting a granite slab and just using it on the floor or something since I'm on the bottom story. All else fails, its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
I know it's going to be a long journey but I am willing to take my time with it and learn the craft. I hope to learn quite a bit from these forums as well!