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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    purse making
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    internet seatch

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  1. Thank you Beaverslayer! I was twisting and turning about that one, wondering if there is a special tool for it! Thank you again
  2. Hello all, I enjoy spending time on this forum, and I did learn a lot in the past couple of months since I joined, but sometimes I come across some things I am having a hard time finding an answer for. I want to make a wallet, my first wallet, and I really like how the slots on this wallet seems to be punched, but I am wondering what is that tool called. I know there is a pippin hole punch, or button hole punch, but this seems to be way longer. Any help will be appreciated.! Thanks!
  3. I am looking for some time for some crackled leather, as in the attached picture. Is this a leather that is custom made? I could use all the help I can get. Thanks!
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