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Everything posted by Jono83

  1. Hi, I make slingshots and bowslings, if you could send me a picture of the slingbow I can see if I have a pattern or make a pattern up for you
  2. http://www.instructa...at-Home/ Found this looks ok , hope it helps
  3. Cheers, welcome too, had a look at your site and well more skilled than I am yet, I just make what I need. having a bash at a game bag at present will put some pics up when finished. those sporrans you make would make great possibles pouches
  4. Wow cheers, I started because I'm a woodsman (or Bushcrafter as its now dubbed) and I couldnt afford to spend so much on replacing sheaths etc so I just had a bash.
  5. Thanks Ammanford in carmarthenshire, for now planning to move to Shetlands next spring /summer
  6. Hey all, I'm jono and a complete novice only been doing leatherwork about 6 months I have no tools but have improvised thought I'd show what I have made so far
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