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About 20benji

  • Birthday 12/18/1996

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  • Interests
    Guitar, Piano

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  • Interested in learning about
    Figure and Floral Carving, Belt Making, Lacing

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  1. That would be Tampa area.
  2. Harbor Freight really is bad... thanks for the advice.
  3. I'm looking to buy an airbrush for single color sprays onto leather. The one airbrush that seems to be the best fit for my work (cuffs, belts, and other small items) is the Thayer & Chandler T89K Omni 4000 http://goo.gl/MCGpT. With this I plan on using fiebings leather dye http://goo.gl/K59Ut. If someone can confirm this as the correct choice or point me in the right direction that would be great. Cheers, Benji.
  4. Thanks for the input, all. Oh I really already do have an addiction. I just can't stop carving. And a Happy New Years to all as well.
  5. Hello everyone, I am yet another newbie on the forum. I started researching the craft about one month ago, which is about the time I started lurking, and finally got my tools on the 28th; figure it's about time I introduced myself. As of now I don't have a specialty, it's a little soon for that, but I have found the small tooling that I have done quite enjoyable. I have completed one design of a Koi (http://dl.dropbox.co...77/IMG_3075.JPG), which felt very natural, and I am just starting to pick up floral carving. Any criticism will be well received as I certainly need it. Just thought I'd say hello, seeing as this forum has already been very helpful. (Tools, Carving, Tooling, etc.) Cheers, Benji.
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