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Leela Valley Leather

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Status Updates posted by Leela Valley Leather

  1. Gah! Who'd have thought finding a nice bright red dye would be such a PITA?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leela Valley Leather

      Leela Valley Leather

      "muddy" would be a kind and generous description.

    3. chancey77


      ROC dye! Angelus Dye....bright:)

    4. JustKate


      Yeah - try some Angelus, and give it a resist before staining.

  2. The rains and mosquitos are back... I'm spending as much time scratching as stitching... (yes I've tried it all, the only way is to dip myself in bug repellent)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leela Valley Leather

      Leela Valley Leather

      DEAL!!!!!!!!!!! So about my 22 dogs, 15 cats and 5 rusted cars...

    3. EquusCustomLeathers


      Ok..you can have my 30 very pregnant, very cranky horses..sounds like a good trade to me :)

    4. Leela Valley Leather

      Leela Valley Leather

      you're on, the hippy squatters are no-charge :)

  3. It's been bucketing down for 3 days now, the leather is getting damp, things are not drying and I'm starting to get bored..

    1. Anacott Steel

      Anacott Steel

      You need to bunker down at the Rails for an afternoon :)

  4. SO I wonder who will I upset next?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cyberthrasher


      but I am the big dog in the house. I always laugh about that. People think my puppy is dangerous, just wait until my wife lets ME off the leash :)

    3. WinterBear


      Well, that just gave me a mental image of YOU running to the gate with a freshly sharpened machete and barking your head off. If that won't scare a lookie-loo off, I don't know what will. Makes me want to ask your wife what your annual kibble bill is though.

    4. Cyberthrasher


      Pretty high :)

      That is a GREAT image.

  5. Finally! Some rain to lay the dust, refresh the plants and BRING DOWN the temp! My bee's wax was melting on the bench!

    1. WScott


      currently snowing outside

    2. Sylvia


      Snowing here too. Stay cool Leela.

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