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About rundogdave

  • Birthday 07/22/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mokelumne Hill, Republik of California
  • Interests
    Running, Hiking, Skiing, both water and snow, Motorcycles, Leatherwork.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Just learning more!

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Member (2/4)

  1. No worries. It will give me a chance to re work some of the other patterns again. Congratulations on the new baby, and the new house!!
  2. Been away for a few weeks. Haven't had a chance for the May challenge, although I will make it. Did I miss the June challenge post?
  3. My version of the coin purse. I like seeing all the different interpretations. It is inspiring. Looking forward to Friday for next month's challenge.
  4. I hate giving up on something. This project fought me every step of the way. Threw it across the room several times. Still don't like the way it turned out, but I'm done with it. Tried braiding the cord for it with some calf lace purchased from Tandy. Finished 1, but the new roll of lace had a splice that broke every 7 or 8 feet. Threw the entire roll in the trash. Learned a few things, so it wasn't a waste of time. Forgot to mention that it doesn't close because the material I used was to thick. Kinda like the skull surrounding my pea brain.
  5. Have I missed the April post?
  6. My latest attempt at an avenger style holster and double mag holder. The belt slot on the back turned out a little loose. Should have used a smaller piece to form it. It took me several tries to make the mag holder. I think I can still improve on it. Not sure about the belt clip being riveted on. Think I'll try sewing on belt strips on the next one. As always, all constructive criticism is welcome.
  7. Does one sew suede differently than veg tan? I did a practice piece, using a saddle stitch. It doesn't look any worse than any of my other hand sewn items. I'm just wondering if I need to use a welt, or a different stitch, or ...? Thanks for any advice.
  8. Brilliant!! I had not thought of 2 belt loops. Hand stitching, so that should work well. Thanks.
  9. I'm trying to make a double mag holder with closures for the mags, but I was trying to avoid a pancake style. How would one sew a belt loop on the back after having sewed the molded front on the back, or visa versa? Kinda scratching my head on this one. Thanks for any advice.
  10. Thanks for the nice comments. Looking forward to next months project.
  11. Here is my February project. Not completely happy with it, but I learn from my mistakes. The next one will be better. Added the strap handle to the end. Should have attached it differently. The black pig skin suede was because I trimmed the pig skin covering, and left the edges uncovered. Made it out of 4 oz. and had to add a stiffener to the inside front, as it was to flimsy for the clasp.
  12. Here is my finished "Project of the Month". Enjoyed making it very much. Learned a few things. Personalized it a little. Managed to get some black stain on the sting ray inlay somehow. Kinda disappointed with that, otherwise fairly happy with the end product.
  13. Yup, you're right. Thanks. Somewhat technology challenged!!
  14. So, I have a question. I've printed the pattern. While looking things over and doing some measuring, I discover that the pattern that I printed is smaller than the measurement printed on the pattern. The exterior measures 7 1/4 x 7 1/4, but the pattern states 7 1/2 x 7 1/2. The interior measures 6 3/4 x 7 1/4, but the pattern states 7 1/2 x 7 1/2. Which is the measurement to use? It appears, in actual size that it will all fit together, but I'm still a novice, and I might be missing something. I believe Tboyce made the pattern. Maybe he could help my pea brain make sense of this.
  15. Sounds fun. I'd like to give it a try.
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