Hi All,
I'm about to work with some sand colored (think light tan, beige etc.) pigskin suede splits and I would like to decorate the edges. That being said my first thought was to brand them with a nice pre-made brand design. Of course, I'm finding that locating such an item is extremely challenging and even non-existent -- not to mention out of budget. Because of the color I'd like to burn/brand a nice crisp black into it - design to be determined, but since it's an edge think Celtic, floral or some other nice continuous design. I also would like the design to be at least an inch wide such that I could put two (or more) together and it would work continuously, as if it's one.
I've got a soldering/hot stamp tool and would like to know if this is something that I can even accomplish? What other ways can I get a nice black, "stencil-like" design onto the pigskin? Doing the design itself by hand isn't a great option - I've got alot of edges ). I also doubt stamping would work with some color added to it...but maybe I'm wrong there, having never done it before. I also would prefer the end design to be black as I think it would stand out quite nicely. Though at the very minimum it would have to be a darker brown so it would show up.
Any ideas from the more experienced folks?
Thank you!