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    Toronto, Canada

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  1. Happy to unnecessarily fatten Tandy's bottom line . One last question (for now): how do I know which size blade to get? Thanks for all your help electrathon!
  2. I haven't heard of it referred to as a jiffy stitcher before. I had imagined using it just to create the hole without the thread attached like it is in the photo at this link: http://www.tandyleatherfactory.ca/en-cad/search/searchresults/1216-00.aspx Sewing Awl Kit Item #1216-00 I tried posting the picture but was told the file extension name wasn't permitted.
  3. I'm trying to start my first project (wallet) and finding a ton of information, which is both a blessing and a hurdle. I've visited my local Tandy a few times and seem to be pointed in the right direction without getting the complete story so I'm hoping to get some better clarification here. The wallet I'm making is a kit wallet with a few modifications I've cut myself. Using the Art of Hand Sewing book as a guide, I'd like to follow the hand stitching model described which shows 3 needles being used for the process. My question is, are all the three needles the same? I replaced the 'heavy duty needle' on the Tandy awl I'm using with a size 5. I only bought the one needle so I'm thinking I need another two as shown in the book. Are all needles created the same (i.e. all needles can be used for hand sewing whether they're labelled 'awl' or not)? The one for my awl seems like it may be thicker than necessary at its base. While searching for additional size 5 needle some are measured differently than sizes, is this in mm? Are these not used for hand stitching? Hope my confusion makes sense. Thanks in advance!
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