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Status Replies posted by WoodBoneAndStone

  1. Anybody else have a problem with overthinking the simplest things? It's just an eye-patch!! What all is there to think about???

    1. WoodBoneAndStone


      I do it all the time. Made my first vendor's apron and spent more time staring at the leather, making measurements and staring at the leather some more.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. Don't forget to Sprrring Ahead :-)

    1. WoodBoneAndStone


      Thanks! I had no idea, and tomorrow is my first day back to work. That would have been bad!

  3. I am probably going to be in the poor house after my trip to Tandy today. That or divorced LOL

    1. WoodBoneAndStone


      Buy while you can. Replacement value for tools and supplies I purchased more than a decade ago has probably doubled or more. I keep reminding my wife to make sure she gets a good price when she liquidates my leather stuff after I croak.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Ouch! Thank God I still have a thumb!

    1. WoodBoneAndStone


      A great way to sharpen an edge beveler is to rub some jeweler's rouge on a piece or cord or a thin strip of leather and pull the beveler along that at as low an angle as possible. I do that a couple of times before every project and there are no hang ups even on soft leather that wants to crawl.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. I am probably going to be in the poor house after my trip to Tandy today. That or divorced LOL

    1. WoodBoneAndStone


      Tandy has been keeping me in the poorhouse for the last 18 years, but I have hundreds of dollars worth of tools to show for it and enough supplies to embark on just about any kind of project, not to mention the satisfaction I have gotten from people loving my products. No divorce yet either! :)

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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