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Lone Wolf Leather

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    Abbeville South Carolina

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, Law Enforcement Items, Small Cases, Belts
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  1. As a retired Deputy Sheriff, I make many products for police officers. On Sept. 30th 2015 Police Officer Greg Alia was killed by the subject he was chasing on foot, through a closed mall. He worked for a small 25 man department. As you can imagine it was devastating for all involved, including the new officer who Officer Alia was training. It was his first few days on the job. I was personally moved by this story. I wanted to do something for these close knit officers. After wanting to donate one of the ticket books that I make, i spoke with a group of retired and active officers that I belong to. They decided to take up a collection of funds to provide for the material. I made the books for the entire department, so they could have a tribute that would go, everyday, with each officer, as they work. Here is the finished products.
  2. maybe I'm an idiot I can't find this marketplace or NWF NSWF whatervr
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