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Everything posted by pnushi

  1. Hey BillieMac, Sorry I took so long to respond. Who needs to carry a black bag in the Summer? Now that fall is approaching, the dye problem has re-surfaced. I tried the Pro Oil and still had rub-off. I even sealed it but the sealer gave kind of a milky finish. Coach bags are made of "glove tanned leather" whatever that is. Animal, vegitable or mineral? have just taken the bag out of the washing machine and am going to dunk it in strong tea then the 'roon, then the soda. I will post pictures if the whole bag doesn't dissolve.
  2. Thank you for your replies. I'm glad you all are so patient with a newbie. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "cooked". I read on one of the forums somewhere that it sped up the process if the vinegar was heated. So that's what I did. It didn't come to a boil the original steel wool has dissolved. I will add more steel wool and let it sit. Geez this is worse that waiting for Christmas morning. I had an old Felco scabbard for my secateurs lying around and thought, "Why not". It is made of plain old leather but has lots of oil from my hands over the years. It came out beautifully and the Felco name stands out rather nicely now. I have another question. . .how can you tell if leather is vegetable tanned? The Coach website doesn't say how they process their leather When I was cleaning it originally (acetone and steel wool), not a lot of colour came off. Almost none really. I worked it pretty well too. Going over the seams and edges very carefully. It soaked up the Fiebings like a drunk likes gin. Thanks again Megan
  3. Hi, Abosolute newbie at this, I know there is already a thread about a Coach bag but I have more questions. . . I have an old coach bag, originally bone coloured, that I dyed with Fiebings. after a good scrub with Acetone. Terrible rub off even though I buffed it for about 4 hours, especially the back, where it touches my side, Then - whoo who - I found this site and am begging for your help. I have scrubbed it down with extra fine steel wool and acetone to remove most of the dye and now want to try Vinegaroon. I have washed the bag (in the washing machine) and soaked it in black tea for about 5 minutes. It is hanging to dry as I write. What now? My Vinegaroon is only about 3 days old but it is the colour shown in the pictures and tutorials. and it doesn't really smell vinegarry I gallon of white vinegar and about 6 steel wool pads. Cooked, Cooled. Strained. Cooked again. Some questions: How long before I can use it? Does the purse have to be wet before I put it on? Do I immerse it or paint it on? How long do I let it sit? How long in the baking soda bath? How much baking soda is too much? Can I finish it with clear shoe polish? If not, what is recommended to finish it. I really like this bag and want to do a good job so any hints, warnings, how to's well, anything really, will be of great help, Thanks in advance Megan
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