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About Aldridge

  • Birthday 04/05/1965

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    West Virginia
  • Interests
    Very new at leatherwork. I'm here to learn as much as I can.

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    Dye and finishing
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Asked a leather question on Google

Aldridge's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/4)

  1. Thanks so much! I'm thrilled to have found this site. So helpful !
  2. I don't mean to sound stupid but when you say "Spirit Dye", what do you mean? I've been using Feibings Oil Dye and I know there is an alcohol based Die as well. Are you referring to the alcohol based dye? Thanks.
  3. Thanks to all who responded. Greatly appreciated. Should I oil both sides or just the top or just the bottom? My main concern is that my leather always turns hard as a rock. Never used any oil before but just got a bottle of Neetsfoot today. Does everyone prefer Neetsfoot Oil or is there something better out there? Thanks.
  4. Electrathon, Thank you for your response. The dye is my first step. She told me to apply the Neetsfoot Oil after I apply the sealer. I've always thought the sealer was always the last step.
  5. I am very new at this craft and a new member of Leatherworker.net. I apologize if this question has been asked before. My problem is getting the steps from the dye to finish in the correct order. I have been making simple items so far such as small keychains and bracelets using 4-5oz veg tanned leather. My items always end up hard as a rock. I've tried very small amounts of Febings oil dye as well as small amounts of resoline. Still ends up very stiff. I've tried softening the leather with some Neetsfoot oil but then it turns out to look and feel more like a piece of rubber than leather. Where am I going wrong? My steps are as follows: Febings Oil Dye Let Dry Buff Acrylic Resoline Let Dry Buff Neetsfoot Oil Let Dry Buff Please tell me if this is not the correct order. I was told by a Tandy salesperson to apply the Neetsfoot AFTER I apply the resoline. Is this true? This post may seem like a lot of questions all at once but I would be very appreciative if someone can give me their advice on this. Thanks so much!
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