Hi Leatherfolks,
my last post, almost 10 years ago...so hello again!
Recently, an old Fortuna Skiver found its way to me. Beautyfull machine on a nice cast iron pillar. Fully working and with (!) original manual and parts list. Acording to the manual, its of the type "LK X" or "LM X". Already scanned it, if it's of interrest for someone ... german though ... and to big for uploade here, so contact me, we`ll find a way.
I could'nt find out anything else about this machine on the webzz, so any hint, regarding year of construction or type etc. would be greatly appreciated!
Debating with myself...full restauration...or just a clean up...or "never touch a running system"...any thoughts?
I couldn't help myself and allready repaired and reinstalled the old "AEG"-switch and build a new drawer for the base of the skiver.
I'm pretty shure there once was a "upper transport" on this machine. Some parts still there some missing. Would love to find the missing parts...again, any help would be great!
So far for now...
Greetings from Germany