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About CowpokeNick

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    Horses,Leatherwork,CowboyAction Shooting,Dummyroping,Hunting, Flyfishing,Photography

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  1. Hello Trox, or Tor! :-) I recently found this Topic about a Pfaff machine and have the same kind of question for you. I might buy a Pfaff that is called 345 H3 6/01 CLN but I'm curious about the capability of this machine. I want a machine that i can sew with in leather. How thick leather is this one suitable for? I also have looked around on the web for any kind of info on this machine but without any luck. I've also send e-mail to two different Pfaffadresses but without recieving any answer, yet..... Since you live in Oslo and I in Skien maybe I could call you? A friend of mine, Knut "Oldtimer" Karlsson in Östersund told me that you know everything about sewingmachines and I tried to find a phonenumber to you, but without sucsess... Best regards Niclas Svedenvik
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