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  • Location
    alsip, illinois
  • Interests
    selling this leather clicker machine, and getting room in my garage!!

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    i wear leather racing suits, does that count?
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    selling this clicker!
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    google search

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  1. let me ask you this, which category on craigslist would be best for leatherworkers like yourself to see this thing? i couldnt find one that seemed to encompass leather craft very well.
  2. thats a route i hadnt considered, good thinking! basically since it will have to be loaded on a truck or a trailer, im giving it till the middle of summer when i have some major yardwork to do, ill be renting an excavator, that would most likely take some of the pain out of loading it. one way or the other it will be leaving by then. i dont think im sitting on gold here, i would much rather put in a little extra effort for someone else to enjoy this thing instead of making my scrap guy happy.
  3. anybody? i'd really hate to have to scrap this thing, somebody has to have a use for it...
  4. http://s30.photobucket.com/user/whitenotch/media/20130410_034518.jpg.html?#/user/whitenotch/media/20130410_034518.jpg.html?&_suid=136558650017106645229024449204
  5. ill definitely get pictures up this week, just a little crunched for time. i grabbed the manual, heres a few of the details: ICM-C Ideal Clicking Machine Model C appears to be made by the United Shoe Machinery Corporation, Cutting Die Dept. 140 Federal St, Boston, Ma. the manual will obviously go with it. it contains service instructions and part #'s, which i would think would be a pretty big selling point. ill have pictures this week for sure!!
  6. hey guys! long story short, i purchased my house in november, and this bohemoth was left in the garage. the previous owner was going to have to scrap it because none of their buyers could make arrangements to have it moved by our closing date. i know very very little about the art of leather work, and this is big and powerful machine. to put it simply, im not testing it. i am told that he used it into 2010, so it should be in working order, or very close to it. it is a 1958, its stamped ICM-901, there is a manual, and ill take some better pictures and get them posted up ASAP. this thing is located right off the tollway in alsip, illinois. as far as loading, ill do anything i can to help, but guarantee nothing!! it weights 1860 lbs!!! more info and pictures to come. you are more than welcome to any and all leather working equipment that was left, there are 2 benches with leather covering that im going to get rid of that i can throw in if you want. pics of everything tonight or tomorrow!
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