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Everything posted by jasonpotts42

  1. Thanks CowboyBob; That is not quite the machine I was hoping it was but I'll bet you can sew bags and tool holders on it all day. Hmmm, then again now that I have written that, it seems like just the kind of machine I could use. So what does it take to make this thing reverse? Seems like I remember seeing something about that in the forum somewhere. I off to search for it now.
  2. Yeah, subjective for sure. I am not sure of the feeding mechanism and the owner couldn't say for sure either. I hoped that somebody might be able to recognize some of the features by what is visable in the photo. As for adding reverse, that is very intriging and I might try my hand at that. I wonder if there are many parts necessary to accomplish this.
  3. I am looking at an Adler 105 for sale, its Grey. Haven't seen it in person yet. I am told that it is in good working order and is on a cabinet. No Reverse. Would anybody care to take a stab at the value of such a machine with the limited information that I have given? It'll be fun. Just a price range would help. I want to buy it and use it but I may want to get my money back out of it when I go to sell it again. Thanks for any information you might pass on. Jason
  4. Thank you Eric. I feel much better about moving forward and I will put a few drops where indicated.
  5. I just got a Juki 1508N. It is Servo driven and has a speed reducer on it. The manual states that turning the oil adjustment screw clockwise will increase the amount of oil in the hook. It seems counterintuitive that rotating the screw clockwise would increase the amount of oil, it is like a needle valve and I have bottomed out the adjustment with no oil pattern on my paper and the servo set at maximum speed. I have also opened or turned the oil adjustment screw counterclockwise up to 5 full revolutions with similar results.There is plenty of oil in the reservoir, I have just filled it. 1.) Is my delima because of the speed reducer? 2.) is there a problem in translation of the manual. I would like to get started sewing but I don't want to damage my machine, help please. Jason
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