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Everything posted by CVMAOP

  1. I am working on a set of handgrips for a motorcycle, the design is two roses with a skull in th middle of them, The problem I am having is that the person I am making them for wants the leather Hot pink, all I have been able to get locally is the spay on hot pink wich seems to coat the leather well. The prolem I am having is it is covering my engraving and you can not see the image very well, what would be a good way to go about contrasting the image using this spray on coloring.

    Hi Yall

    Hi, I am Jason, currently live in Fort Benning, Ga. I make custom motorcycle parts and have recently taken up leatherworking to accent the parts I make. One example that I use most often is hand grips. I have found it is quite difficult to make small detailed cuts for some of the designs Iam trying to work with. I really do not have much in the means of artistic talent, but I do try my best. really hope to learn a lot from the people in this forum. Below are a few things I have been working on.
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