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About Hennie

  • Birthday 03/24/1963

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Africa
  • Interests
    Woodwork Leather works and fish stuffing.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Shoe and Boot making
  • Interested in learning about
    Any thing about Leather

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  1. Very well. Here is my grandson's shoes Greetings. Hennie.
  2. Tyre sandals.docHi All. Bob. I live in Uvongo on the South coast. The Zulu stile sandals is most probably made of motorbike tires. (will add a photo).Do you also originate from South Africa? John j. If you promise never to tel a sole I will send you a patron if you send me your email address. Matt S. I use cow hide. and i particular Crazy Horse the culored piece is also cow hide 2.3 mm thick. I was so lucky to get a full range of lasts. From a small no 2 to a large no 13 . Bought it from a family who sold it after the old man had passed away. Had one no 4 and one no 5. But I made the other ones myself in order to have a pair of each. I also use Natural tanned Leather and stain them afterwards if so required. Have a great weekend. Friendly Greetings. From South Africa Tyre sandals.doc
  3. Thanks to all. The machine I have is a Singer 168w101 pedestal, very old, but still working well.
  4. Thanks to everyone for your replies and kindness. Electrathon I appreciate your critique and believe it will improve with time to come. every pair seems to look better as I get use to the sewing machine and technique that is still new to me. I take all critique as up building. Thanks Hennie.
  5. Please take note. The fourth picture is my first pair
  6. Hi all. I am new to the leather workers forum, although I have been an active viewer for some time. I have decided to post some of my shoes and sandals for comment please, In order to improve. Thanks in advance.
  7. I also make custom made shoes. When doing that, I use the clients foot as last with a spacer under the toes in order to create enough toe room.
  8. Hi. I make shoes. can help you but i only make stitch down shoes. If you like, let me now Am working on a tutorial an will post it soon.
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