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Everything posted by x4pickuptruck

  1. Hey Man, Ive got a cobra 4 im just up and norcross let me know
  2. I cant afford a tippmann, I have looked into them. I found this one http://atlanta.craigslist.org/wat/atq/4163031235.html but I also have my eyes on a pfaff but it has a full table but i might be able to use it for both sewin and my carving for 500 so it may be an option
  3. Hey Im pretty new to leather work, but all my projects so far have either been hand sewn or no sewing. But Im getting requests for bigger projects with way more stitching and Im thinking efficiency here so I have thought about venturing into the territory of a machine. I know this gets asked quite a bit, but I want to by a machine for cheap, but I don't want a motor as I do not have room for another table in our apt, so I wanted a hand crank and I did find a antique singer hand crank in my pay range but I dont know if it will do what I need. my stuff is from purses to horse tack and everything in between.
  4. well I did another one I dont know if its any better or not though...
  5. thanks Bob, I'll take a look at that and I plan on doing another one hopfully a little better
  6. Hey All, I got Bob Parks book in the mail and read through it. So I decided I would try my hand at the whole design aspect of it...this is what I came up with. The first Pic is one I posted on a FB page and got some great feed back then I added some more which is the second pic. If you have any critiques feel free.
  7. Hey All, I got Bob Parks book in the mail and read through it. So I decided I would try my hand at the whole design aspect of it...this is what I came up with. The first Pic is one I posted on a FB page and got some great feed back then I added some more which is the second pic. If you have any critiques feel free.
  8. Hey I'll Bite, always interested in the forbidden....let me in..please
  9. I know I Know another stupid casing question but, I case my leather by begging it but my question is, I only have been doing small carvings but when I get to larger projects that take more time which I might not have time to do in a day, do you have to resoak the leather before you put it in the bag again or do you just put it in the bag?
  10. I dont know how far you are from billings but there is a gent there name Ben Swanky, there web site is http://benswankesaddlery.com/, Also I know the guy down in Lewistown at bigsky saddlery is a nice guy and works right out of the store on first and main.
  11. I am still working on my carvings but one of my first project is going be a nice sheath for my buddies big a$$ knife. But I dont know if I should do the shaping first or carving. I would say carving but I wouldnt want to lose that detail when I do the shaping. Thoughts???
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