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Posts posted by panku82

  1. hey thanks for joining the party late Bodean but yeah as was covered earlier!! ... just playin my man! :)  Thank you for your nice comments on my work ... Like I said I was just playing and I really do appreciate you taking time to read it and comment.And yeah I get the "heebee jeebees" alot when I'm trying to dye especially when I have a effect in mind and I'm trying to pull it off like getting a reddish effect to go with my bikes' red tank and fenders. but I read a great quote which said that every piece no matter how much we do is an experiment and we just hope it works lol ... Thank you again my friend much appreciated!

  2. Very cool Gary, I know I like the result I got from it but I can't take credit for the idea. I read about it when I was reading up on doing pyrography on leather. It was a suggested method and I thought the same thing of "That is a great idea and why the hell didn't I think of that!!"  hope you like it as much as I do!

  3. Well guys just an update ... my restoration attempt didn't work. The dye is fading rapidly after just a couple weeks soooo..... yep I'm having to redo the whole thing. I greatly appreciate all of you taking time to help and I will show you the new seat once I've finished it.  At least now I get to correct some errors I know I made in the first rendition (besides the dye job) and I did find a new way of putting the pattern on leather. I used graphite paper and just traced my drawing with a pencil. It gave me great lines and they don't wash off with water when I'm tooling!  Talk to you all soon.

  4. LoL sounds familiar Alpha (looks in mirror) I do that too much I guess because of only having limited time being able to only really get into it on my days off. But, with that said I did rush it a bit today but think I managed to do a reasonable salvage job.  while I couldn't get back to the original color I had, I am at least pleased enough to put this on my bike. I just finished it, sealed it and tested it by pouring water on it and the water beaded up and ran off so think I'm good to go now!  Again to everyone I can't express enough how much I appreciate your help and advise!!!  Thank You!!!


  5. TY all for the replies ... yeah guess I really didn't think it out that well about using oil and a water base. I thought I let it dry out enough but like Kitten said with the lesser penetration of the dye when airbrushing that may have been the problem. TY ALL so much for the help.  I just did a scrub of the seat with the saddle soap then set it in front of a warm blower to dry quicker and then used a direct rub in dye. I will post how it goes when I'm done with it hopefully today. Thanks again guys so very much appreciated!! Oh Yeah and Thanks Bigfoote I appreciate the comment on the  how the seat looks!

  6. ok that's a idea of where to start ... I very much appreciate your taking time to comment and help!! And Thank You ... took a lot of work because I can't draw for crap so took me a while to come up with that design LoL  

  7. it seems like the black is getting in but the rest isn't penetrating maybe?  as you can see in the pic my black fade from the lace and in the tooled lines seems to be staying pretty well. And no Rocky this was a fresh piece that I tooled out from a 3-4 oz veggie tanned leather and I hit it with Olive Oil and let it fully dry before I tried to dye it the first time ... Also I tried the sealant on a piece of the same leather that I made a wrist bracer out of and dyed it ... used the sealant and it was water proof when I finished it, didn't lose any dye at all and with a lot less drying time

  8. I've never had problems with the eco's before but this is the first time I've tried mixing them to come up with a different color and I'm new to air brushing ... didn't know if maybe these had something to do with it .... I dyed the seat again today and let the seat dry in the sun for a good hour between coats (5 coats) then applied my own sealant in 3 heavy coats then did a conditioner I made .... again just now I wetted down a towel and all the work I did today just wiped right off ... I'm at a major loss here ... TY for replying Carson


  9. Guys I did this seat and I air brushed on my dye using a mix of  Briar Brown,  Red with a 1/2 oz water . Both dyes are Eco FLo.  I made my own sealant using Bees Wax and a variety of oils (all high quality) but no matter what I do I can't seem to get it to seal (I even used Satin sheen (5 coats airbrushed on) the first time) but the second any water hits it I lose my color and it leaves spots.  I'm trying to figure out why I can't get my dye to seal in. HELP!!!!


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