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Everything posted by brahdaa

  1. I'm located in West Palm Beach FL. I'm interested in your offers. I'm puzzled as to our shipping options though. But we'll work it out if it is adventqgeous for both parties.
  2. Singermania I appreciate your input. As, I continued to have problems identifying the machine. I have contact Tony Luberto a couple of times via email but as of yet no response.. I'm also having problems finding anyone interested in purchasing this machine and a Singer 29K15. I'm trying to empty a warehouse. The lease is running out soon. If I can't find a new home soon they will have to be scrapped. It would sad if they have go that route.
  3. Thank you casemaker that looks like the one I have. So, it is a Ferdinand #9. I did try calling Tony and have linked with him on LinkedIn. We have been playing a bit of phone tag and my days at work prevent me calling during normal work hours. I'll try his email and see if I have better luck. I appreciate your help thank you so much.
  4. I realize this post is a few months old but I have a Luberto #9 I'm trying to sell. If you are still looking I have what you're looking for. Contact me brahdaa at bellsouth dot net Thanks for the tip I reported the email to the moderator so it can be deleted.
  5. I realize this post is a few months old but I have a Luberto #9 I'm trying to sell. If you are still looking I have what you're looking for. Contact me brahdaa att bellsouth dot net.
  6. That's what I'm thinking its a Luberto's NO. 9 harness stitcher but it looks like Lumberto's took over production at some point, maybe Ferdinand or ASE as I can't find anything that looks this old. I'm going to keep looking. I found others newer ones for sale from $3800 - $5000 seems a bit unrealistic. Thanks for giving me a direction to look. I began to realize that it is rare due to the lack of info out there.
  7. Hello, I'm new to the group and I need your help and expertise identifying an antique industrial sewing machine. I think it's a boot patcher or leather as it is quite large and heavy. It sits on a Bradbury table and the only markings that I can see on the machine is No 9 U: S.A. I've tried to research this item but haven't had much luck. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or advice. Thank you in advance.
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