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Everything posted by BoBandy

  1. This...is exactly what I wanted to hear. I was afraid that sand paper would only make the fuzz worse. Today I'll be doing the wet forming but once its dry I'll try burning off the fuzzies. Thanks for the tips.
  2. This is my first leather working project. I bought a holster kit from my local Tandy store. The box lists all the stuff that comes in it but also says I will need leathercraft glue (no problem there) and finish (small problem). I bought some Tan Kote, because, hey it says 'finish' on it. When I get the box open the instructions say "Apply a finish (Super Shene, Satin Shene or Block-Out) on inside of holster to prevent loose leather fibers (crocking) from getting into pistol's mechanism." So, will Tan Kote work for this application? And should I oil the leather before I finish it?
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