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About leffa

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  1. I've found around 12,000 rpm seems to be the sweet spot for mine. Tried faster to begin with and it seemed to be burning the leather as you mention. My wannabe dremel goes from 8-35,000 rpm in 1k increments so was quite easy to quickly find something that worked.
  2. After seeing this the other day I contacted John about a couple of burnishers.They arrived yesterday, I have had to modify them slightly, the slots were a bit straight to do the beveled edges of leather, but it was a 5 minute job with some sandpaper and they seem to work brilliantly. I've contacted John again with a picture of what I had done and he said they should be no problem to make with a slightly rounder inside edge - he said he didn't even really know what they were supposed to look like or were used for until he looked them up on youtube so I'd say a pretty good start! Here's a few pics of a quick edge done with the burnisher in my dremel, using water then a quick rub of beeswax and the two burnishers themselves. Really happy with them.
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