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  • Location
    Bryan Texas
  • Interests
    New to leather work. I am a accomplished woodworker and find leather work to be very cathartic.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None. Mainly interested in making items related to Fire Fighting
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

rfilburn's Achievements

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  1. Howdy, I like your work and have some of the same questions about finishes. I have started making shields and other stuff for the guys around my area. I will let you know what I learn. I don't plan on getting big into the business, it is a fun hobby and I want to keep it that way. If you don't mind me asking, what do you charge for your shields? I have been charging $75.. I think they could probably sell for more, but are trying to keep them affordable.
  2. Howdy, I have borrowed a older Randall International Leather Splitter from a friend. It is in really rough shape and I am looking for a manual on it so I can make sure I rehab it correctly. I would like to have a list of part numbers and a blow up schematic if possible. Does anyone know where I can find one online, or anywhere for that matter? Thanks for the help =)
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