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Everything posted by shivers3000

  1. Malik I can't remember what part of the cow but I'm sure it's not the belly. Tandy stressed that the belly would stretch easily Ski maybe it's because I didn't stitch it to hold it place
  2. Hey all, What's is the best leather for dog collars besides latigo. Currently I have 8/9oz from Tandy. It's thick however I made a belt about 2 weeks ago and it's warped already. On the belt I didn't stitch it so I'm not sure if that made it easy to stretch out of shape or not. The belt has my leery of making collars knowing that a dog that pulls will possibly prematurely stretch the collar out of shape
  3. Cyberthrasher thanks for the information! As I comb through this site, you always seem to pop up with some good info
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