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Everything posted by satudraynightpolitics

  1. I see. Do you have the NAA to work with and just want a pattern to work off of or do you need it because you don't have access to the gun?
  2. Phil, Just to let you I have made several holster's for my NAA magnum with the 1 & 5/8'' barrel. Not the same and unfortunatley I am not sure if I have a pattern for any of them laying around. What I was really wanting to let you know was that you mentioned a wallet holster for an NAA in your post; you should not attempt to make one because I am pretty sure they are illegal without the right paper work. Most of the 'shoot through' holsters for small pistols, revolvers, and derringers have been classifed by the BATF as "Any Other Weapon" or 'AOW'. Creating one of these without filling the right paperwork, and paticuarlaly if you are planning on selling them, could mean running afoul of the National Firearm's Act. The link below is to a BATF list of AOW's and you will have to go down about halfway to find it. http://www.atf.gov/firearms/guides/identification-of-nfa-firearms.html#belt-buckle-holster It isn't any of my business, and I am not by any means and expert, so do as you like but I just thought I friendly warning could be helpful.
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