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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belts, purses, wallets

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  1. JKwyo

    Leather Purses

    Hi, I was contacted by a person that wants leather purses made for them to resale. I am not able to do this at this time. If anyone is interested please contact Janice Cobb at 214-953-6451 for more information. They would like to have them made here in the U.S and not have to go overseas to have them made. Thank you, Janel P.S. I am posting this for Janice with her permission.
  2. Hi, I am hoping to find someone who could clicker cut some oklahoma state shaped pieces for my leather guild. We are located in Oklahoma City and one of our members has a die in the shape of the state already. We need someone who could cut probably a couple hundred pieces for us. If you are in or near OKC that would be good but is not absolutely necessary. I do need to find out the cost to have this done. You can contact me at leather@jkleather.com Thanks, Janel
  3. Hi, I have had someone ask me if a leather dog harness will matt the hair on her dogs? She has two shih tzus, very small 8 and 11# with long hair. She uses nylon harnesses now but says they matt the hair. She used to have rolled leather collars, but does not like to have the dog wear collars. She asked about a harness made like a rolled collar and I told her I had never seen one, but would see if anyone had ideas on how to make one or if lining a regular leather harness with something would help reduce the matts. If anyone has any suggestions they would like to pass on to me it would be appreciated. Thanks, Janel Lindsay, OK
  4. I just recently moved to Lindsay, Oklahoma and am wondering if there is a leather group anywhere in oklahoma? Thanks Janel
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