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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belts, purses, wallets

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  1. JKwyo

    Leather Purses

    Hi, I was contacted by a person that wants leather purses made for them to resale. I am not able to do this at this time. If anyone is interested please contact Janice Cobb at 214-953-6451 for more information. They would like to have them made here in the U.S and not have to go overseas to have them made. Thank you, Janel P.S. I am posting this for Janice with her permission.
  2. Hi, I am hoping to find someone who could clicker cut some oklahoma state shaped pieces for my leather guild. We are located in Oklahoma City and one of our members has a die in the shape of the state already. We need someone who could cut probably a couple hundred pieces for us. If you are in or near OKC that would be good but is not absolutely necessary. I do need to find out the cost to have this done. You can contact me at leather@jkleather.com Thanks, Janel
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