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Posts posted by Palermo

  1. The rubbing off is normal to most dyes.. I usually do what I call a mid coat then a top coat... A good way to get most of the rubbing off out is to buff it with tissue paper like the ones that are in gift bags. It absorbs a lot of the dry dye.

    You should also try using carnuba cream but this will affect the over all color.. I usually make tests of dye strength + carnuba cream to achieve final color. It will take a few test strips and patience

  2. "- Are there any tutorials available for hand stitching double gussets? It seems pretty straightforward: stitch the two gussets together, and then stitch the whole unified double gusset onto the front/back (easier said than done, I'm sure, but still not unduly complicated). Am I missing something?"

    Pretty much you got it... Easy part is hand stitching that... Hard part would be machine stitching that.. Took me a week to finally figure out how to machine stitch that.. Have to use different tensions on corners and such...

    As far as how many gussets I think profession would dictate that.... Or customers preference

  3. We is me and my dad. He started making shoes when he was 8 years old.

    I can't give away all informations but I can tell you cost of materials is a lot less than price. Labor for those is not as much as most because they look like "contact" construction.

    Depending on where you go in Italy the price would be approxametly the same with exchange rate.

  4. We can make those for you but your looking at $1000 - $1500 PM me if you are interested with your standard size to make sure we have the proper last.

    And Jwalker is right back home in Italy we have one on every corner : ) but her in the USA it's a dying art because we are conditioned to buy cheap

  5. I believe the original wwii paratrooper boot is made from cordovan. The modern reproduction Corcoran paratrooper boots is bovine. It will be hard to replicate that exactly those have been shined many times with Lincoln Polish. The original paratroopers would use a diaper, tooth brush and patience. They would not burn the wax like the modern fighting man does.

    Your best bet would be Hubbards boot Oil. But first use a diluted light brown angelous shoe dye.

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