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  1. I made some and tried it on my saddle. The saddle ended up being to well conditioned/oiled and the solution just beaded up instead of soaking into the leather. If your saddle is drier it may work. I did try it on a black english hackamore with success. The black color had rubbed off the edges of the hackamore and the vinegaroon reacted nicely and turned them black.
  2. My first batch of vinegaroon is finally ready and I had some quick questions. I have a saddle that I'm planning on using it on (I have seen it used on some old western saddles that were starting to look a little ragged). The leather on this saddle is vegetable tanned leather and well conditioned/oiled, and was originally dyed deep havana brown. My questions are: 1) Will it be possible to use the vinegaroon solution on previously dyed leather? 2) Is there any prep work (other than a tannin/black tea bath) that I will need to do to ensure that I get the best results possible (alcohol, deglazer ...etc)? Thank you!
  3. Thank you! I sent him a pm and his username is ChuckBurrows.
  4. I have a very nice, but old, Passier english saddle that is brown (Passier uses exclusively vegetable tanned leather for their products). I'm thinking about using vinegaroon to blacken the saddle and had a few questions (total newbie). 1. Passier states that don't use any artificial finish. Now since this isn't a dye, do I still need to strip/use a deglazer for the oil in the leather from past conditionings? 2. Would it be ok to "paint on" the baking soda/water mix since I won't be able to literally soak the saddle (size and it has wool flocking)? 3. How long does the color typically last (on the saddle)?
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