When I got my 97-10 it was already set up to use the class 7 needles, because I have a Singer 7-5 machine and had 7x4 needles on hand, that's what I went with. Too dumb to know the difference. Did however notice that there was interference with the needle bar when the foot was fully raised, " shudda beena clue " I haven't measured it, I will today but it seems like there is a hell of a lot more than
1/2 inch under the foot before the interference occurs. Reason I got into this whole 97 thing is because I want to leave the 7-5 set up for webbing, and use the 97 for leather. I rarely ever go over 1/2 inch so the current set up isn't really a problem, just annoys me that the machine can't be used to full capacity in case I need it. I have many friends with heavy horses, having kept Clydes and Shires myself for many years, and if they come dragging in some collars or traces I would like to be able to fix them. Had a Tippman for doing that years ago but gave it to a friend of mine who's retiring from his job and wants to do some leather work. I Like the old Singers cause it's nice to have something hanging around that's older than I am.