Thank you!
Jim, I vacillated over your question awhile before I made my first and now this holster. All of the "commercial" snap on type holsters I've seen have the straps as you suggested.
My rational for making it as you see was that:
1. I think it looks better with the straps pointing down.
2. Seems like, over time, with the straps pointing up, they might tend to pull away from the body and sort of protrude out.
3. I wear my belts pretty snug and, should a snap open, the strap would have to pull away behind the belt, with the snap tending to hang up on the edge of the belt.
4. I have to "suck it in" a bit to remove the holster while wearing it, so I don't think it could pull loose very easily.
5. The P3At is a very light "pocket pistol" so doesn't really add much weight to the holster and the fit, while firm, is not tight enough to move the holster when I draw the pistol.
6. I did pose the question on this forum and a professional holster maker answered, voicing about the same reasoning you did, fearing that if the straps were like I made them, the holster could come along with the gun in your hand during a draw.
Bottom line --- After considering all of the above, I just decided to go with it as shown.
L'Bum, The leather mic's out at just a hair under 0.1", so that makes it about a 6 to 7 oz leather, based on what I could find out on the Internet, comparing thickness to weight of leather. The guy at Tandy sold the skin to me as "5 to 8 oz", which I guess is about right. As I said above, the P3AT is a small, light pistol, @ about 7.2 oz empty and maybe 12 oz max loaded, so this weight leather works well. I suspect it may be to thin for a larger pistol, although it does form nicely. I'll probably try to make a similar holster for my S&W M&P 9mm compact, which weighs 24.6 oz empty and probably around 35 oz loaded, so it's about 3 X heavier than the M&P. I'm thinking about perhaps using a heavier leather for the back piece and some of the 6 oz for the front.