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Everything posted by Nomadiccorpse

  1. Thanks, now it's time to hit up Tandy for more tools and leather lol
  2. Yeah I need to back up my rivets I think too, don't want to drop a pistol. But about the finishing edges, do I just basically shave some off the top and bottom edges with a beveler then rub it with the burnisher?
  3. Thanks for the compliments, I plan on sticking with it, and I'm about to start some batman type bracers
  4. Sorry apparently I don't know how to upload pics
  5. Hi, I'm new to this, been working with leather for a grand three weeks now. So I saw these holsters based of the uncharted video game, and really wanted one, but didn't want to shell out the 300 bucks they were asking, so I decided to make my own. But I ended up spending that much anyway. I took my 300 down to Tandy and bought a bunch of stuff not having any idea what I was doing or what I really needed and jumped in with both feet. So I made a few bracelets for my buddy's daughters and thought I knew what I was doing. So feeling confident I started my shoulder holster and then I realized about the order things need to be done in and what tools I really needed, but here's the final result. I am happy with it, and confident my next will be even better. Constructive criticism accepted.
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