Now that the holidays are settling down I finally got around to it. Worked like a charm!
3 coats, 1 hr apart, 24hrs drying time and I used eco antique gel and wiped it off in a hurry!
Thanks for all of the help! Curiously another didn't come out as light but I did a different process. I had to keep it moist longer in a plastic bag in fridge and when I finished and it dried, it dried a lot darker than this piece. Then I tried what I read from Eco Flo or Fiebings booklet (forget which one) about neatsfoot oiling. So I did that and it got even darker. Then the 3 coats and a very dark antique and of course my lighter part is substantially darker than this one.
Does keeping a piece wet for tooling a lot longer, typically add to it darkening like mine did? Neatsfoot as well?