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Everything posted by floggermeister

  1. I too replied to one of the topics he created, 4 years after the sad news without knowing, because his tutorial had inspired me to try it. After I found out I felt terrible as it might look insensitive. He was an artist and a great teacher even online. He leaves a legacy
  2. Hi SOS I know. I unfortunately didn't find out until I had posted, from another website. I didn't know the how or why or even the when. I felt terrible that it might come across as insensitive but I genuinely meant what I said and it is good to know his talent carries on as a legacy.
  3. Hey Drac, thank you Just completed a 16 plait in Paracord fir a flogger handle. Apart from a little wiggle in the plait and getting the first wrap around way too tight and having to put a bit of slack in the finish it, it looks good and is a great base to learn patterns. With paracord I think it would have been even easier if I had 8 permaloks to do the braiding
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