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About mariemoo

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 01/05/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    lakenheath uk
  • Interests
    horse riding.

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  • Interested in learning about
    all leather craft
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Wow thank you so very much Fredk and TomE I'm very grateful to you both.. I very been searching for a several days now this is a God send.. now to put this to practice
  2. Can anyone help me find me a step by step guide to making box keepers. They seem impossible to make..I've tried to Google making them and also searched videos but nothing.
  3. Thank you so much Mike. .I really want to try and get this up and running..it looks indestructible and fun to use. It' wasted in storage. Xx
  4. His very I got 4 pages you sent one with the bobbin shuttle but can't figure out the position to place the bobbin shuttle into its holder so it works with the needle
  5. Hello people I recently acquired this off an elderly gentlman whos father was a cobbler..I think it is a sole stitcher But I have no idea...it has 'gritzner' and 'patent' printed on the side. It all moves smoothly and the bobbing has some thick thread still in it. It all seems intact just trying to do some research and maybe get it back to near its former glory. if anyone know absolutely anything that may help as I cant figure out how to even thread it yet haha xx
  6. Hello people I recently acquired this off an elderly gentlman whos father was a cobbler..I think it is a sole stitcher But I have no idea...it has 'gritzner' and 'patent' printed on the side. It all moves smoothly and the bobbing has some thick thread still in it. It all seems intact just trying to do some research and maybe get it back to near its former glory. if anyone know absolutely anything that may help as I cant figure out how to even thread it yet haha xx
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