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Everything posted by MJean

  1. I've sold the stitcher; it is no longer available.
  2. My stitcher is still for sale if anyone is interested. Life has taken me in a different direction and I'm no longer doing leather work. I'm offering the machine at $1800.....I really need to get it sold.
  3. I purchased a cobra class 3 leather stitcher about 4 months ago. I do leather work by hand and wanted a stitcher to speed up the process. I can't figure out how to use the thing so it's just been sitting in my studio. Unused and untouched. It's essentially brand new. Still has warranty from manufacturer. I have receipts of purchase for you. Costs new $2195 plus $200 for shipping. I'm offering at $2000 which saves you $400. This is for pickup only. It's VERY heavy. If you really want it shipped contact me to see if we can work something out. I will NOT ship out of USA. If interested call me at 847-722-4682 or email jbjeanhutchins@yahoo.com
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