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About silverpegasus

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    New Member

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    NSW, Australia
  1. Hi, I'm new here and have been reading back over a lot of old threads. I really didn't want to ask a question that might have already been asked at some point, but I can't seem to find my answer. I know this thread is a year old, but I thought it's not a huge one, and the question is relevent to it, so it would be better than starting a new thread. Anyways, my question is this. I was watching the video on how to make this cool little lace beveler. I've asked my brother if he'll make one for me and he said sure, so long as I get the stuff needed. I can't for the life of me figure out what that little brass piece is or where I would find one. In the video he calls it "a piece of metal shaped like this". Is it something custom made or is it something I can buy? I know he's filed off part of it, but is the rest of it available readily made? Thank you for your help. I will now go back to reading every thread pulled up by a search for the word "leash". As I said, I want to read as much as I can before I ask questions that have already been answered and I really hope this isn't an obvious one I've just asked.
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