Happy New Year! The few times I've posted here I have always received great information and feedback so I am hoping that someone might be able to assist me today. Someday I hope to return the favor!
I have been searching for a softer veg tan leather to make both large and small bags (large totes, bucket bags, etc). I've mainly worked with Hermann Oak and W&C for the items I've been making so far but want something softer. Does anyone know of a supplier of US milled leather in natural veg tan? Is "milled" the correct term for what I am looking for?
I've contacted Sheridan, Montana Leather, Maverick, and Oregon leather but have had no luck. Springfield is closed for the day and I can't tell on their site if the milled leather they have is US leather. I have not contacted Weaver b/c I received a hide from them last year that was not great. But mucho $$$. I don't want to get my leather from Tandy.
If brown or black is my only other option, any US based suppliers would still be appreciated. For my current business I try to have all of my materials be US based. Perhaps this may be the exception where the leather is from outside the US but at least from a US supplier?
Thanks again!