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Everything posted by opieusmc

  1. I need some Motrin, pulled a muscle. Seriously though, great looking setups. Both of them.
  2. Other than my member intro, this is my first official post. My wife would like me to make her a case for her Kindle Fire. She already has a good one, but we all know we can do better. Here's the issue- she wants the smart cover to work. On most purchased cases when you close the cover, there is a magnet in the outer flap. This puts the device into hibernation and when it is opened, turns back on. Joannes fabric has some 1/32" closure magnets that might work well for that, but we'll see. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I thought I would see if anyone has done something similar. Doing a quick search of the threads, it looks like Cyberthrasher made one but I couldn't find any pictures. All thoughts and input are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hello from Phoenix. I just got into leather working a few weeks ago. I carry daily in this gun friendly state (except where signage does not allow or at work), and got tired of adding to my holster collection. I would much rather make it myself and sell the mass produced collection. Feel free to throw any comments or suggestions my way. I've been lurking for a few days and already learning. Of course, now my wife wants me to make something for her. I'll post her idea and ask for suggestions in the proper forum.
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