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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    saddle making

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  1. How much for one of the sewing machines? And do they include the pedal and all the parts?
  2. How much are you looking for the machine and the draw down stand?
  3. Hi there y'all I have done leatherwork for the past 6 months and am going to be pursuing saddle making as a career, I have absolutely fallen in love with the craft. I have made belts, a purse, and many other things so far. I would love to meet others in the houston area to bounce ideas off of and help improve my skills here is some of what Ive done so far.
  4. would you be at all interested in splitting the lot up?
  5. I am looking for someone who would be willing to apprentice me. I am getting into leatherwork and plan on making it a business. I will be attending saddle making school this summer and am looking for a saddle maker to apprentice with to gain as much knowledge as possible. I have basic knowledge of tooling and making items such as belts and spur straps and knife sheaths, but my end goal is to become a saddle maker, if anyone could help me out with that i would be very appreciative
  6. I am looking to buy a used Tippman Boss for hopefully under 1000 I live near houston texas and would love to find one I can drive to pick up rather than pay shipping costs. Thank you
  7. I am looking to buy a used Tippman Boss for hopefully under 1000 I live near houston texas and would love to find one I can drive to pick up rather than pay shipping costs. Thank you
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