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    Yokosuka, Japan

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  1. Hello! A while back I had made a post about looking for leather in Japan/Tokyo. Unfortunately, finding good veg-tan leather is incredibly difficult. Most of what I've found is incredibly thin and tools like butter. Since then, though, I'd made a trip back to the states, purchased a few good sides of leather while I was there, and shipped them back to myself (several hundred dollars and 3 months in shipping later!) Most of what I see in Japan are wallets and bags, and so most of the leather and tools I find here reflects that - so almost all of my shopping is online. Once I got the leather here, though - I realized. I just don' tknow where to begin! I'm not fond of premade kit items, and while I can tool leather, I want to get more familiar with the pattern-making and hand stitching process. I really want to make items for historical/medieval re-enactment, though there is definitely a value in making more modern items as well. I guess my biggest question is, then - where do you get started? What sort of items do you start out making, to learn the proper stitches and getting that process down? How do you even learn how to design your own patterns? I'm going to have to rely largely on self-study and youtube videos, since finding a class out here that I could understand is a little difficult. I'm really excited to actually put all the sides of leather I've hoarded to good use. Would love to be able to sell some stuff, too, once I get the mechanics down. I really do want to become more active on this forum, although there may be some up-and-down moments due to my current job. Thanks so much in advance!
  2. Hello! I made a post earlier about finding suppliers in Japan - and realize I haven't made any sort of introductory post. I managed to find a shop local in Yokosuka, unfortunately I have not been able to catch it open yet! Argh! I'm brand new to leather working. I'm 28 and in the Navy stationed at Yokosuka, Japan. My interest in leatherworking actually started in Japan, oddly enough. While on a port call, I traveled to Fukuoka. Wandering around the city, my friend and myself came upon a store devoted to leatherworking. It was, honestly, the first time I'd really seen such a thing. I thought it was incredible, particularly the tooling. Decided that when I got myself back to the states, I'd figure out what I needed to start and give it a go. So I did. I bought myself a kit from Tandy - the one with their greatest variety of tools - because I had figured that while I knew I wanted to tool, I would probably want to do other things, as well. I'm sort of glad that I did. The more that I really look into and research leatherworking, the more I really want to learn. I've made some kit items so far, nothing major - but it's given me a chance to play with tooling, at very least. I think I'm slowly starting to get the hang of casing things, and walking my tools. It's a far cry from the painting or illustration I've done before. The leather bug is quite the addiction! There's so much that I want to do, I just don't know where all to start. The kits are fine for learning how to tool, but I really want to branch out into making my own items. So - I guess at this point, I'm wondering where I go from here? I want to start with some small items - wallets, bracelets, etc. Do I require a sewing machine, or can I still achieve a good look with hand-stitching? I'm not overly fond of the laced borders. I realize that Tandy tools are not the Copics of the leathercrafting world, so what tools should I keep an eye out for when I'm expanding? What tools do you use that you can't live without? I'm really excited to get into this art. I've been enjoying what I've experienced of it so far, and would like to rather seriously pursue this hobby. Thanks for any help you've got in advance, and I look forward to sharing with everyone here! ~Rebecca
  3. Thanks so much! Those are all a huge help, and I've also found a little store local to me. Going to give it a shot today and see what it's like.
  4. Hello! I'm new to the forum, and pretty new to working with leather as well. I'm in the US Navy, and recently was stationed in Yokosuka, Japan. I know I found a leather supply store down in Fukuoka, but I've been told the market is pretty decent over here. Problem is trying to find these places when I don't speak much Japanese. Anyone familiar with shops in the Yokosuka/Yokohama/Tokyo region? Or know the names of some places to search for? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I want to be able to continue my leather-work! ~Rebecca
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