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Everything posted by buzzboi

  1. Thanks! I think I found some instructions for that one!
  2. Apparently I can only upload 1 photo...
  3. Sorry for the delay folks... It turns out I don't have this set up to notify me of responses! Lol... It's a compound feed cylinder arm with a drop in bobbin set up (I was hoping for a bigger bobbin, but this machine was bloody cheap!). I'm working on shrinking photos at the moment so they meet the requirements for uploading... Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Hey folks, I have just purchased a Protex ty-8b from a deceased estate and it seems that the owner manual/instructions are missing... Would anyone have a copy that they are willing to scan, or some idea on where I can find one? Cheers Jaye.
  5. Thanks for that Bert, I will print that and have a read... Hope it soaks in by osmosis while I'm working on other stuff! Lol... Thanks Dikman, I didn't even think of them, but then I didn't know they'd moved out of the city either!!! Lol... Last time I went in there they were still on Sturt St... Do you know if they have a mechanic there now? Last I heard he'd passed away... I found a Gumtree ad for Les Hockenhull, sewing machine mechanic... Does anyone know if he's any good? I'm going to give him a call when we get everything sorted I think, get him to look at both machines...
  6. It's not that I'm a COMPLETE mechanical numpty, there are parts missing... Lol... More that I'm aware of my limitations, both in ability and time available! I'd love to be able to take it to someone who can give it a good going over and make sure it's all ok... I should be able to maintain from there. But I'm already getting in trouble for having so many machines sitting in that same boat... When I've got time! Lol. This instructions for that modification would be great Bert, I've found a few places with 16x6 needles, but they do seem a bit limited, so if we can open that up... Do you have a source for bobbins for these machines? I haven't really had chance to look closely, but it looks like they could almost be normal domestic ones? Cheers for your help guys.
  7. Thanks for that Bert, I had found that listing, but hadn't actually sifted out the needle info there... I found a post from a few years ago where someone said that leather needles for these were hard to find, I will have a hunt with that size you found and see what comes up. The machine was obviously left behind at a country property (close to the Barossa actually) and the people who have bought the place don't want/need it... I picked it up for next to nothing, so I don't mind spending some money making sure it's working properly, but it seems fairly clean and turns over smoothly by hand... Hopefully it works and does what we need it to, because it's a whole lot less intimidating than the K6!
  8. So, I have just picked up a singer 31k48 and I am desperately searching for information... Apparently the motor is cactus, so I am looking at the servo motors on eBay (also looking at a servo for a 132k6)... But the concept of making it a portable hand crank machine is somewhat appealing, is that as simple as a box/base for it to operate in and a handle on the wheel? I would love any information I can get my hands on, as well as any ideas on needles, sizes and where to get them, and any parts resources. So far I have found the parts manual, but that's it. Information on these machines seems to be very scarce! If anyone can recommend a mechanic who can work on these old machines anywhere near Adelaide, South Australia, I would be extremely appreciative! Thanks.
  9. Hi Kat, did you have any luck selling this machine? I'd be interested to hear your experiences with it... there's not a lot of info out there on these things!
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