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About rubymcnugget

  • Birthday 01/04/1994

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    learning more , leather, saddles ,horses, riding , gaming,dogs ,cosplay and making props and a few other things

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    some where in the middle
  • Interested in learning about
    saddles and the art of working with leather and cosplay
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. hi guys just though to give a quick update /show off on the things i been doing i gone and made so much more things since last time and no im not talking about the saddle or any thing horsey lol lately i've gotten into the world of cosplay and decided to have ago at making my own costume and gear for it so i did yeah i chose to do a tf2 sniper costume ( its a computer game ) and been slowly working on that now its finished i just like to show it off now i made the full costume on my own including the stock sniper rifle prop ( its made from wood no need to fear ) and a few other things ok so first of this is just some of the stuff i made for the costume (the shirt and jeans were brought but had to do a few things to them to make it look like the costume) next is the full belt gear placement the rifle that i made from an old tree branch made a second 12ft stock whip whats cool about them is they glow ( shine ) when you turn on a camera flash eg glow whips the first version of the sniper costume it was based on the look that my oc had since then it has changed abit added a new shirt so now it looks like this and recently i went to a cosplay con and had people asking for photos also in the past few weeks i have made a leather journal and the one i just finished my new leather knife pouch that straps onto my belt so yeah thats what i been up too in the past few months it was a fun experience making all of this and will like to improve it later on so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed looking at my photos and if any one has any ideas on how i can make it better will be great cheers ruby
  2. Yep that's what they are but there not screwdrivers to much of a sharp point to them. Plus they make pretty good leather tools to me and there still so shiny XD
  3. Thanks guys I'm glad that I'm not alone any more Before I allways thinking that I was the olny one but now I feel like I'm not alone any more I migth give an update Well with my saddle I've gone and made a soft sheep skin seat saver because when I made the saddle I didn't realise how hard the tree was on my thighs so yer much more comfy to ride in now ^_^ And I have blinged up the chest plate and bridle and made a wet mould pocket knife pouch and threaded some high vis Ribbon into my stock whip that makes is glow when hit by a camera flash or car spot lights It's so epic now Here are some photos The bling chest plate The knife pouch The bridle And the seat saver on my saddle And the stock whip In full light With torch shine And a camera flash It's so epic But late lately I haven't come on because I had no Internet but I will be on much more often and try and learn some more till then cheers ruby
  4. Sorry I didn't mean to triple post my phone did is so yer I'm sorry and need someone to delete two for me
  5. Ok I got so excited when I found these. But I haven't got a clue what they are So I came here to see if any one knows of these It all came in this small leather case Then when you open it up it looks like This ^ Then when I had a good look its looks like silver but yer Omg so shiny XD But what's got me stumped is how it works Well I had a little play with its and worked out that They all click into this weird looking doohickey XD All the bits have this logo on them So yer I haven't got a clue what they are or where they came from so I haven't got a clue on them so do any of you know what these are Please help cheers Kassie
  6. Thanks guys I always loved saddles lets say its a big hobby of mine It's kinda funny because I don't get excited about new tends and clothes Any thing like that I'm not interested well expect for bling I love bling. Lol any what dos get me excited is saddles I just walk into any tack room or saddle store and I'm like a kid in a candy store I'm able to rack of all the names of saddles and where there from or I just sit there feeling or smelling or just cleaning all the old saddles what can I say I love saddles and to me any tack room is a treasure filled room or saddle heaven XD
  7. I live on the other side in victoria But I was born in brissy That god I'm not Alone when it comes to leather work and disabiltys
  8. Thanks pounder I knew joining this forum was a good idear Well I just discovered my talent of working with leather when I was 15 back in 2009 it all started with buying a bag of scrap leather from an old op shop and the first thing I made was a little barbie stock saddle of one of my toy horses then a few years ago my friend gave me this wooden box full of old leather and some tools he found in his shed since then I been add or making my own tools out of broken bits and pieces then I found this little book about bush craft and so far I have made toy horse saddles ,dog collars , done some deco on horse chest plates , brow bands ,a 5 pound stick bow and bamboo arrows a quiver , Laso , 3 meter stock 4 stran round plat stock whip , a mini harness set and a swinging fender saddle Here's some of my tools and work for you guys to enjoy First of are all of my tools It's not much but I just make do with what I got or try and make my own These are my stamps that I made from nails I spent hours sitting there with a file just filing away at the nails till I was happy with what I had The next is a knife I got in the box of tools and I haven't got a clue what it is but it's pretty good with cuting leather My pop hasn't seen one since he's was a kid so it migth be rare but it's a handy knife to me The wooden box that started it all now filled with my tools and very heavy lol So that's my tools. And this is some of my work That's just some of it oh this is my bow and quiver And these are my dog collars One And two http://i.imgur.com/PrEC1EW.png One of the chestplates I did deco bling on lol http://i.imgur.com/ZPJudo2.png A very small horse shoe made for a toy horse http://i.imgur.com/y0SCKGS.png It's so tiny lol More of my pride and joy my saddle http://i.imgur.com/sWMYUbD.png http://i.imgur.com/fm6LpRM.png http://i.imgur.com/aUAR2tG.png Lol and I can't forget my model for my stuff My 18 year old Arabian Abba girl http://i.imgur.com/AZFPfzT.png Sorry about the photo spam it's just I'm so excited to finely become apart of the leather community Cheers ruby
  9. G,day guys my name is kassie but all my friends call me ruby I am 20 years old and I live in Australia down under And I have been interested in leather work since 2009 But I will like to learn more about it because for me it's just a much loved hobby of mine So far I learnt all I knew on my own because the saddlers in my area never gave me a chance to show them how good I am The reason is because I have ADHD and high functioning autism And because of it I get pushed away or laughed at but I try my best to improve and I have since I first started I only just been to a traveling saddle making course and made this It's a swinging fender saddle it's my pride and joy right now And I want to learn more about saddles and leather it's something I love doing so here I am I hope you guys don't mind me joining the forums One things for sure is I'm going to try my best and make new friends and hopefully learn abit more if I can Cheers from the girl from down under ruby
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