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About pilgrim

  • Birthday 12/22/1943

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    rawhide, saddle making

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  1. I work with a lot of rawhide. cut strings for braiding and will cut from 1-2 foot squares. I will then roll the squares in wet towels. they will take 4 hours to 24 hours to become ready to cut , depending on the thickness of the hide.
  2. I made a tool for rounding braided stuff out of an old pipe flairing tool. jusst had to file down the grooves. they have graduated holes.
  3. I cut off the tines to 2-5 inches and put an eye screw in the top and then tie a good rawhide knot , attache a key ring and sell them for key chains. some ladies like the longer ones for protection.
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