I outed myself a couple of days ago (lightbox discussion) and have been lurking & reading ever since (and before).
I make braided leashes for showdogs, using Kangaroo lace and beading. I've not got the room or the talent or patience to cut my own lace (frankly, the concept scares the bejayzus out of me) so I buy lace from various people. I'm also 'into' knotting - as I find the whole concept of taking one piece of leather, bending it over, under and around itself and making something beautiful, absolutely fascinating.
I will probably lurk a whole lot, as I don't consider myself much of an expert on anything, but if I can contribute, I will.
If you are interested in seeing pics of my work, I'll post a couple of scans over the next day or two.
"Fame is a vapor, popularity is an accident, money takes wings, those who
cheer you today may curse you tomorrow. The only thing that endures is
-- by Horace Greeley