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Riambsc LeatherWorks

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About Riambsc LeatherWorks

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
    Sparkle City, Midwest, USA
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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Master of None
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    Proven methods and Leatherwork History
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Hello I would like to apologize I had a unforeseen personal family issue(s) happen over the weekend of the fourth and I have been taking care of that and my computer died. I am just now(afternoon of the 14th CST) getting the laptop up and running. When I got outlook installed and running I saw there were messages from this forum. I will go thru the messages as soon as I can. The photos I took are on the dead pc so I will have to retake them and get them posted as soon as I can. I am not experienced in how internet forums like this one or twitter or Facebook works and my ignorance slows me down. I still have personal things that I will have to be taking care of over the near term. I will send out samples of 10 yards of either natural white or black thread to up to 50 people in any of the weights(0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 mm) for free. My email is riambsc@cfu.net if anyone has any further questions. Again Sorry and Best Regards, RLW
  2. Hello to everyone! I just got signed up for the site. I am glad to have found such an exhaustive wealth of info and people so willing to share! I wanted to let you know that there is an equivalent to Tiger Thread here in the States. It is called Amann Serabraid. I am carrying it you can do a search for specs or I can put up more complete info if there is interest? I can take some photos of the color card too? There are from 30 to 46 colors. It is a high end German made product and used by companies like Audi I am willing to send out some 10 yard samples if anyone is interested in trying it out? I am new to the site and trying to figure it out so as I do I will update my profile. Right now a 500m cone of 1mm Serabraid would cost about 50 to 60% of what Tiger thread is being sold for in the lower 48. If you want to leave me a pm here I will get back to you as soon as I can? I would post my email but I am not sure if that is within the rules? Thanks, Riambsc LW
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