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Everything posted by Cowboy01

  1. Thank you I will check that out. I was hoping to borrow or buy a downloadable pattern and avoid the time consuming prototypes. You know - the first is too tight, the second is too loose and the final one is just right. If you are looking for a concealed carry the KAHR PM9 or the more economical CM9 are the best. If you have a good budget you can get the MK9 in solid stainless. These have been tested with over 18,000 rounds and found to be totally reliable. Alan
  2. Does anyone have a belt slide holster pattern, or know where I can obtain one for a KAHR PM9 or CM9 sub compact semi auto. Shot one of these other day and they are phenomenal. The grips are more ergonomically oriented to my hand than any other compact or sub compact I have handled or shot. The recoil is significant but you can get back on target so much faster than say a S&W Shield. Thanks. You can reach me at chisholms_trail@netscape.com. Alan
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